Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Makes me want to holler...throw up both my hands

I speak my heart for the poor among us today… in some ways I am included in this growing number, that is why I was at the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) Save the Dream Tour in Los Angeles. This five day tour came into town the help people who were trapped by predatory lenders and personal greed get some relief from the high interest rates and loan payments that they are debt slaves under. My heart is broken by the sight that I saw there. There were thousands of people there mostly Latino and African Americans seeking help from NACA. While I was there I heard wonderful testimonies of person who interest rates were cut to 2% and the mortgage payments were reduced by hundreds of dollars. Each time I heard a testimony I lifted up Praise to the God of Host. Yet, for me it seemed too late. My situation was too far gone for NACA methods to help at least it seems. But that did not diminish my excitement for those who were getting solutions. It was a bitter sweet experience for many of us in the mighty throng of poor seeking a solution.

What disturbs me most is that this tour is going nation wide and in city after city people are slipping from the “Dream” and facing the hard reality that the Dream has become a nightmare. They would have to start over again. For some it maybe too late due to age and energy, they do not have the drive to move on for others well lets just hope they have to strength to recover. I can not help but think of the National impact this economy is having on the poor and shrinking “middle class.” The haves are gaining more and more the Have nots are losing ground. We seem to be moving quickly to society of debt slaves.

This economic system needs more that a wise President, We need the LORD and His other people to help us: face this thing head on: to help us search ourselves of areas where we can improve like live on a budget and simplify our life styles. WE need the LORD and His people to fight the greedy who are taking people homes and jobs without compassion. We need the LORD and His people to direct the Church and other Spiritual communities to help the poor among them. Now is the time for the Leaders of our Synagogues, Mosques and Churches to take a stand for the least of these our brothers. Where are the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Gandhi’s of our day?

If those of the house hold of faith, who are supposed to be sensitive to the move of God for the widows, orphans and poor among us are caught up in chasing the Dream vs. Dealing with the reality of the poor and needy in our ranks, then who will care? The government can only care but so much. It is up to us to think out side of the box of selfishness and seek other solutions to help our neighbors.

Here is what I know that we must act now…
The longer we wait the closer the nightmare comes to our house, neighborhoods and communities. Just last week I was at a job fair in an affluent neighborhood. There were hundreds of folk in fine cars and clothes having one thing in common they were all looking for work….My heart and mind can not help but think about the vastness of this economic disaster. It is worst than any flood we have ever seen. God Help us as I raise my voice to you…Oh LORD of HOST and people of God rise up. Raise up your voice and scatter the enemies of humanity and human dignity. Oh God Almighty fight for us and through us is my prayer today….Amen

See this link for NACA it may be coming to your neighborhood soon:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today I was challenged by a friend to get involved in the technological revolution and reformation of our world. So instead of just saying that I would do something about it I took action immediately. I had been thinking about starting a blog for several months now. In fact when I went to start this one I realized that I made a first attempt a few months ago but did not complete the process. Today I am officially getting into the cyberspace pool of thought and ideas. I hope that you will take a lead from me and get started today on that idea that you have been wanting to accomplish. Sometimes it is no time like the present. Get started Today ACT NOW…..according to Coach Al Hollingsworth, now is the time between zero to five seconds…be inspired today Thanks Prophet Gregg A. Scott. I know this act of obedience will be blessed by God in the near future…